Posted tagged ‘Tim Connolly’

For Shelby.

August 22, 2009

The other day at the Pepsi Center, Shelby stated that she had never seen Tim Connolly with hair. And who can blame her, its been so long since his fabulous hair was in existence.

Since she’s not online right now, I’ll post them here.

I believe his hair got fuller than that, but I had never seen that picture or that card so it was a good find. Also, I never knew he broke his leg, but I would not be a Tim Connolly fan if that were to shock me.

That’s pretty stylin’…if you ask me. We should really push for that do to make a come back.

However, I do believe a certain teammate has him beaten in the fro department.

and you can’t call me bias, because I love them both!

Tis’ a Good Morning.

August 18, 2009

Very few things can make me this happy before noon, but a little taste of hockey season this morning changes such.

I finally met Shelby, not that we didn’t know each other, but it was our first conversation without a computer or cell phone in front of us. She’s a lovely girl and, just in case there was concern, not a crazy killer with a knife or something.

Anywho, we received a tip that former and current Sabres, along with some random guys, practice at the Pepsi Center in the early am, so we ventured out to see them.

Sure enough, Adam Mair was there, because he doesn’t leave the city ever. Patrick Kaleta showed up, which was apparently his first time showing up. Petey was also there probably because he doesn’t know where else to go for the time being. Captain Rivet was also there, but he didn’t stay long, I’m sure his intense maturity level couldn’t handle it.

Oh! And Connolly! How did I forget him? Maybe because I’m not use to seeing him skate…

As for the FORMER Sabres, and we will ignore Michael Peca so it doesn’t damper on my excitement, there was this guy…

who I only recognized in the Team Canada jersey when he walked by me because of those beautiful eyes (and the goalie gear, but ya know). I was soooo excited, but I didn’t say anything to him inside the actual rink…aside from laughing when he tried to yell early, and Petey was pestering him saying ‘ ten more minutes!’ (Mr. Biron had a meeting at 11).

And there was also some Jay McKee guy who was not going to get much attention until he was OUT of that Penguins jersey. Honest to God, when he signed my puck, I was literally on edge of going ‘ why the Penguins?!’ But, I wasn’t sure he could take it in a joking way, because I adore Jay and I’m sure he made what he thought was the smartest move. Still…

I do hope that Marty was secretly happy that I had an Islanders puck (that I bought yesterday).

Just as Patty 2 must have been when I kindly filled up the water bottle that he threw over the glass to me.

And the excitement did last until the last minute because Marty had actually parked next to me in the parking lot.

We didn’t get out there with enough time to get a picture of such, but that did not stop me from getting one of the empty parking space.


Shelby and I do plan to venture out to the center in the next few days to see what other kind of trouble we can get into. Like free hugs…